From start to finish (part 1)
Lately I’ve been filming the process of making one of my sculptures from the beginning, the video above shows the first part of this one.
The inspiration for this piece came to me suddenly. I could see the shape of the outline clearly in my mind and knew I wanted to make it exactly like my drawing - this doesn’t always happen.
For this project I’ve been exploring flowers, this shape reminds me of a bulb and the promise of blooms and new growth to come in Spring.
In the video you can see the stages of construction and building with coils of clay through to the final smoothing and painting before the piece is allowed to dry out for kiln firing. The smoothing out and shaping stage is probably my favourite, and I love to paint slips onto the leatherhard clay.
This piece is now dry and waiting to be bisque fired to 975 degrees celsius. I will apply some more colour to the surface then and see how the patina develops…updates to follow in my next journal from the studio (and on instagram).
Here are two of my studio mascots watching over the kiln, they keep an eye on all goings on, they do a good job - I wouldn’t be without my good luck charms!
For other films and works in progress visit my youtube channel @annabinghamartist
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